Get in touch


The Milan Innovation Lab is lead by Nicola Ischia and includes many talented students and alumni.

Nicola Ischia

Formed as a mathematical engineer, Nicola has solid theoretical foundations and programming skills. His experience at EPFL abruptly shifted his interests to data science and machine learning. Even if he is sometimes missing the world of mathematics, now he loves coding and facing the practical challenges arising when exploiting ML to deal with the most disparate fields.

Currently, he coordinates some research projects and activities for Schindler. Thanks to our labs in EPFL and PoliMi, we work with students, start-ups, and universities to create proof of concepts of disruptive innovations.

Get in touch: LinkedIn

Current team

  • Bianca Sangiovanni, Reinforcement learning for elevator control, LinkedIn
  • Luca Mainini, MSc thesis on NLP on elevator maintenance data, LinkedIn
  • Nicolò Sonnino, MSc thesis on user experience, LinkedIn